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<Name of Main Character> , the protagonist in  <Title of Book, Play, or Story> , has a few traits that influence  <her/his/their>  relationships with others.

One,  <she/he/they>  is  < choose one trait from list > . Two,  <she/he/they>  is  < choose another trait from list > .  Three,  <she/he/they>  is  < choose a third trait from list > .

These traits influence  <her/his/their>  relationships with others. We can see it in this passage from the <book/play/story> :

<Insert quotation marks and copy a sentence, paragraph, or chunk of text from your book that shows one of these three traits influencing the protagonist’s actions toward another character.> ” 

<Convert that trait from an adjective into a noun>  comes into play here when  <Explain in two or three sentences> .

Later, on page  <#> <Another Character’s Name>  interacts with  <Protagonist’s Name> , basically  <verb-ing> <him/her/them> .

<Insert quotation marks, and copy a chunk of text from your book that includes something that someone says or does to the protagonist, and the protagonist’s response.>

<Protagonist’s Name> ’s response here deepens a reader’s sense of <her/his/their> <name the same trait or one of the other two that you identified above> , and sparks a feeling of <emotion> .

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